Thursday, 3 March 2011

Glasgow Cinema Scene

Over the next few weeks I am going blog to you all about the Glasgow Cinema Scene

I'll begin with an overview of cinema going today.

Going to the cinema is a popular pastime for young people. The cinema is a good way to make friends, (throw popcorn at them and see how your relationship blossom!) and it's a great location for a first date, (you don't have to talk to each other for a couple of hours and if he puts his arm around you, you go girl!). Mostly I think it gives us the opportunity to explore new, exciting worlds that let us escape from the mundane routines of our daily lives.


New films in 3D are making going to the cinema more exciting and are enticing in people who may never have been to the cinema before. With my 80p 3D glasses firmly on my face I am transported into a world of scary pop out monsters and punches being thrown right at your face!

I would have to say that my favourite kinds of films are comedies. This is for three main reasons; I like a good laugh; there's always that one person who talks too loudly that ends up choking on popcorn when the funny bits happen; there is always great 'one-liners' that get quoted non-stop for at least the next 24 hours!

 I think that going to the cinema nowadays is more of an experience that it used to be, take the 'Cineworld' in Glasgow for example, it is 12 storeys high, can seat 4,300 and is known to be one of the tallest cinemas in the world! Besides that, it's the anticipation of going up the escalators, finding your seat, eating the huge tub of popcorn and letting yourself be entertained for the next couple of hours with no distractions, (apart from that annoying person behind you who keeps kicking your chair!)

My next blog; A little bit about 'Cineworld.'

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